Massage therapy is a popular form of relaxation and healing, and it has been used for centuries to help people feel better. To become a qualified and licensed massage therapist, one must go through a therapeutic massage program after graduating from high school or after acquiring equivalent credentials. The four basic massage movements are effleurage (light or deep stroking), petriage (kneading), tapotement (soft slaps) and friction. Each of these techniques has its own unique benefits and can be used in combination to create a relaxing and therapeutic experience. Effleurage is the most common massage technique and is used to relax the body and release tension.
It involves using the palms of the hands to apply light or deep strokes to various parts of the body. This technique is intended to increase circulation, reduce muscle spasms, and promote relaxation. Kneading, also known as petrisage, is another popular massage technique that involves using the thumbs or palms of the hands to apply pressure to various parts of the body. This technique helps to separate muscle from bone, which can help reduce muscle spasms.
is another massage technique that involves using two thumbs in a circular pattern to apply pressure to the skin and muscles.This technique is used to stimulate blood circulation within the body, as well as to treat muscle and joint pain. Rubbing can also be referred to as a subcategory of kneading, also referred to as deeper efleuration. Tapotement is a massage technique that involves gently and rhythmically tapping the body with the fists, the side of the hands or cupped hands. This technique helps to stimulate circulation and can be used to reduce muscle tension.
Vibration is another massage technique that involves using the fingertips or heel of the hand to perform a back-and-forth motion on the skin. This technique helps to relax muscles and can be done quickly or slowly depending on personal preferences. Petrissage is another massage technique that involves kneading, rolling, and twisting tissues with the massage therapist's thumbs and knuckles. This technique helps to release muscle knots and increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the area being worked on. Friction is also a common massage movement used to loosen muscle knots.
The massage therapist will rub both hands with quick movements along the part of the body being worked to generate heat and help the muscles relax. Swedish massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy and consists of a series of long, sliding or circular massaging movements that are applied with varying degrees of pressure. This type of massage helps to relax muscles, reduce stress, improve circulation, and promote overall wellbeing. To become a qualified Swedish massage therapist, one must go through a therapeutic massage program after graduating from high school or after acquiring equivalent credentials. At Step Above Massage Clinic, we offer all of these essential massage techniques for a relaxing and therapeutic experience. Our experienced therapists are trained in Swedish massage techniques as well as deep tissue massage techniques.
We offer flexible hours Monday through Saturday from 9am-9pm and Sunday from 10am-7pm with a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you're looking for an effective way to relax your body and mind, book an appointment with us today!.