It's normal to feel some pain after a massage, as stimulating muscles that you don't usually use can cause delayed onset muscle pain. This is a physical response to inflammation as the body heals, and should not cause pain or discomfort. However, if you experience any of these things, it's important to let your massage therapist know. Inflammation and discomfort usually last from a few hours to about a day and a half.
The same steps you do to treat sore muscles after exercise can ease pain after a massage. It's important to remember that massage doesn't have to hurt to be effective - many massage therapists are trained in multiple techniques that vary in pressure and time. If a technique doesn't seem therapeutic to you, but just feels like pain, talk to your massage therapist about it. Your massage therapist may be able to detect a problem area, but they can't feel the intensity of its pain response. It's also important to tell your massage therapist about your medical history, changes in medications, allergies, and recent illnesses - each of these factors can influence the massage techniques used and the body's response to them. Thai massage is an ancient healing practice that uses different techniques to open or restrict different senses in order to correct the flow of vital energy.
This can help relieve pain and inflammation, as well as improve circulation and reduce stress levels. During a Thai massage session, it's normal for the therapist to use their hands and elbows to put pressure on your body. Recent research has revealed that Thai massage is associated with many health benefits, such as better circulation, better range of motion and reduced stress levels. If you only want to receive treatment to relieve pain, you should inform your massage therapist so that they can exert lighter pressure to relieve symptoms instead of challenging changes in the muscles. If the pain persists after a Thai massage session, taking a pain reliever can be very helpful in breaking the pain cycle and allowing the brain to relax the “worked” muscles. This will help them feel better and begin to warm up as they benefit from normal daily activity.